Copyediting Services
Hubbell Consulting provides copyediting services for manuscripts intended for publication in scientific/medical journals. Our experienced writers can assist in making sure that your manuscript follows the journal's Instructions for Authors and style guide. Currently we provide copyediting services only for the following journals: The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development.
Hubbell Consulting will maintain the confidentiality of the content of the manuscript and of all communications between Hubbell Consulting and the manuscript author.
Copyediting Process Overview
Hubbell Consulting will identify and correct any typographical, grammatical, or spelling errors identified in the manuscript. The copyeditor will follow the journal's Instructions to Authors and style guide and will suggest modifications where these guidance documents have not been followed.
The manuscript must be supplied as a Microsoft Word document. Copyedited changes to the manuscript will be performed and provided to the author in Microsoft Word using Track Changes.
Copyediting performed by Hubbell Consulting does not guarantee that the copyedited manuscript will be accepted for publication or published by the journal. The acceptance/publication of the manuscript is determined by the manuscript's journal selected reviewers and the editors of the journal. Hubbell Consulting will not review the scientific/medical content presented in the manuscript.
Copyediting Process Steps
The copyediting process will follow these steps:
- The journal to which the manuscript will be submitted
- The title and authors of the manuscript
- The requested turnaround time (4 or 7 days) and written agreement to pay the associated cost (see Cost of Copyediting Services, below) of the copyediting services requested
- The payment method that will be used (see Payment Methods, below)
- The name, address, phone number, and e-mail address for the author to which all correspondence should be sent